• 1

      Owe the IRS or State?

      Check now for tax debt savings!
      How much do you owe?

    • 2

      What's your primary tax issue?

      Garnishment? Un-filed Returns? Lien? Audit?

    • 3

      Last question, where do you live?

      Serving all 50 States.

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      * I acknowledge that by clicking "See Results" I agree to be contacted by TaxAttorneyNow.com and its affiliates via prerecorded and/or robo-dialed telemarketing calls and/or SMS/MMS text messages via telephone, mobile device and/or email. By doing so I waive any registration to any state, federal or corporate Do Not Call registry. I understand consent is not required to purchase goods or services.

    A Company You Can Trust
    Tax Attorney Now is committed to matching you with the best tax attorney possible, helping you make the most informed decision about your options.

    BBB A+ Rated

    Our network of attorneys and tax professionals have worked hard to build a reputation you can trust.

    Over 10 Years in Business

    We will pair you with representation that's been in business since tax controversy began, over 10 years ago!

    5-Star Trustlink Reviews

    Getting you the best, most reputable representation is our top priority. Browse below for real testimonials from clients.

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    site is safe and secure, and will
    not be resold.

    As Seen On TV
    Corbin Bernsen of LA Law fame dropped by to say a few words about the professionals at Tax Attorney Now. Take a look!
    Our Road to Success
    We first take the time to understand your tax issue, and then pave the way for success with our easy, four step process.
    Your case is first discussed, a summary of options is presented, and the right representative is delegated.
    A collection hold is placed, your tax transcripts are ordered, and financials are prepared and reviewed.
    Your representative will submit financials, negotiate the liability, and submit final paperwork.
    Your tax issue is finally behind you and your tax debt is cleaned up and successfully mediated!
    Here's what we can do for you
    From lifting bank levies and liens, to filing old tax returns and mediating settlements, our network of attorneys can help defend you from harms way.
    Experienced Tax Attorney
    Tax Debt? Put The Power Of The Law on YOUR Side!

    Are you in BIG trouble with the IRS or State collections agencies? Do you owe more than $10,000 in back tax and are looking for a simple, powerful solution to mediate the liability and resolve the issue? Look no further. TaxAttorneyNow.com was developed with you in mind, to help bring the legal power of tax relief attorneys to the everyday taxpayer and business without a large legal budget.

    We have been providing services to clients nationwide from all walks of life, who are trying to find the right, experienced attorney to handle their tax debt issue. From filing tax returns, to stopping wage garnishments and bank levies, our associates will roll up their sleeves and leverage your legal rights!

    Experienced Tax Attorneys* Will FIGHT For Your Case!

    Whether your tax debt was from failure to file tax returns, errors on your statement, a business partner stealing, or a spouse hiding funds, our collection of tax attorneys and tax professionals are well versed in all aspects of tax law, and can assemble a strong, favorable case to the IRS or State taxing authorities.

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    Some taxpayers believe they are helpless against the IRS and refuse to get represented. Would you ever walk into a court of law without an attorney? Most would not, because they understand that the law is vast and complex, and understanding it’s nuances takes years of experience and a trained eye.

    Hire The Best Tax Attorneys And Get The BEST Results

    Choosing the right tax attorney will provide you with the best legal representation at a fair price. They will have experience representing taxpayers from the Midwest, to the coast, and everywhere in between. They have spent years understanding the tax collection process and can put that experience to work for you today. Leverage your rights for a fair and just outcome and get the tax relief that you deserve.

    *Our use of the term ‘Tax Attorney’ is a general term, referencing attorneys seasoned in aspects of tax relief and collection work. They may or may not have a specialized degree in taxation.

    A+ BBB and 5-Star Reviews
    Top Notch Attorneys & Tax Professionals

    Just like finding a good family doctor, getting a trustworthy and credible tax firm on the web is hard, and can take a lot of trial and error to uncover the best provider. We’ve made it easy, and have recruited only the best and brightest to lend their experience and help fight for the average taxpayer in over their head with an unmanageable IRS tax debt.

    The tax attorneys and tax professionals that will be assigned to your team have all earned top letter grades with the Better Business Bureau and have had thousands of top, 5 star reviews posted. You can be assured that they are of the highest caliber, and that the guesswork has been removed. Our method for finding the best and most experienced representation us unmatched, and the credibility proven.

    Only The Best Ratings & Reviews

    There are many tax firms and mediation companies out there to choose from, but finding the BEST takes some digging. Wouldn’t it be easier if someone else did the dirty work for you and provided you everything you needed to make an informed decision? Our staff is dedicated towards one thing: getting your tax issue handled quickly, affordably and safely. So whether you’ve tried calling some of the other companies like Blue Tax, tax defense network, or optima tax relief, we’re confident our team can beat and beat your expectations!

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    If you have a complex tax issue, and are looking for representation with top letter grades and great reviews, the partners of our firm are all hand picked and are ready to represent and defend your interests with the IRS or State collection authorities. Why wait for your tax debt to get any worse? Contact us today and get the relief you deserve.

    File Tax Returns
    Reduce Tax Debt With ACCURATE Tax Returns & Compliance!

    Owe the IRS back taxes? Odds are, the problem started with your tax returns. Maybe you forgot to file for several years, or maybe you hired bad representation. Or maybe you did them yourself and made some costly errors. Whatever the case, it’s time to fix them and take action before the penalties and interest double, triple, even quadruple the amount owed!

    Recent actions by Congress were taken in order to close outstanding and costly tax debt investigations. Since May of 2012, the IRS has made efforts to dramatically liberalize its Offer in Compromise program.

    Legislation removes some perceived obstruction placed by the IRS before the taxpayer, in general, by loosening the eligibility requirements, specifically by:

    If you have a complex tax issue, and are looking for representation with top letter grades and great reviews, the partners with our firm are all hand picked and are ready to represent and defend your interests with the IRS or State collection authorities. Why wait for your tax debt to get any worse? Contact us today and get the relief you deserve.

    • Revising the calculation for the taxpayers’ future income
    • Allowing taxpayers to repay their student loans
    • Allowing taxpayers to pay state and local delinquent taxes
    • Expanding the Allowable Living Expense allowance category and amount

    Restrictions to Offer in Compromise Eligibility

    Not all taxpayers with outstanding debt are eligible. In order to qualify for the Offer in Compromise program, a taxpayer must have a tax professional or tax attorney submit a draft letter as well as a substantial offer on your behalf.

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    If you’ve considered representing yourself, you might want to re-consider. An OIC is generally not accepted if the IRS believes the liability can be paid in full as a lump sum or a through a payment agreement. This is determined by your reasonable collection potential.

    Taxpayers who choose to file an Offer in Compromise on their own behalf, may find themselves paying more in penalties and interest as a result. This is because the IRS only accepts a portion of the requests it receives; it is often the unprofessionals who are disqualified. What’s worse, the IRS may suspect that the taxpayer who has ignored previous notices is stalling rather than taking responsibility. If this is determined, the IRS will continue with their efforts to levy bank accounts and wages in order to collect on the debt.

    IRS Tax Settlement Programs for non-qualifying

    Other options for those not meeting OIC IRS settlement guidelines who still need IRS tax debt settlement help should consider other IRS tax settlement programs. Additional programs include IRS penalty abatement, which removes penalties from accrued liability, IRS partial payment plans, and requesting for collections to be placed on a permanent hold, or CNC status.

    Getting a qualified offer in compromise approved is a timely and exhaustive process, and is one that requires professional handling. Stack the odds on our side and contact us today.

    Remove Bank Levy
    Reverse IRS Asset Seizure! Get You Money Back FAST!

    An IRS bank levy follows several attempts by the IRS to contact the taxpayer regarding their existing tax debt. This typically includes the initial notice, several computer-generated reminder notices, and a final notice of intent to levy. During this time, the taxpayer may have been contacted by an IRS Revenue Officer (RO). If all previous attempts to settle a bank levy have gone unanswered and the tax debt remains unresolved, the IRS will issue a levy notice.

    IRS levy notice: The first levy notice, of three, will warn you again of your debt. The second states that the levy will be placed within 30 days and begins the levy process, moving it from notice to enforcement. At this time, third-parties and creditors will also be informed of the IRS intent to levy and demand that all payments be forwarded to their offices.

    Following this, the government will begin levying taxpayers bank accounts, property, insurance benefits, IRAs, SSI, pension plans, alimony and paid child support.

    Bank levy: An IRS bank levy allows the IRS to become the highest-priority creditor in order to begin collecting on a taxpayers assets. As opposed to a wage garnishment where only wages may be taken, a taxpayer is also vulnerable to bank account garnishment, investment account garnishment, seizure of property, equipment garnishment, and accounts payable garnishment. Once a taxpayer receives a levy notice, he or she will not longer be able to submit an Offer in Compromise but there are still alternatives available to be discussed with TaxAttorneyNow.com.

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    IRS levies can be damaging to an individual taxpayer and their business as both personal property and business assets are allowed to be levied. It can affect not only your family but also business vendors, employees, creditors and colleagues. It may interrupt payroll and put your continued operation in serious jeopardy. We caution you from panicking and answering the call, if and when you do, out of fear.

    IRS bank levy help

    If you want to stop an IRS bank levy today, our associates have options available to you. We will help bring you back into compliance and guide you through the process of resolving an existing tax debt with the IRS or state. We can’t start until you first acknowledge the pressing matter and ask for our help. Our trained attorneys and tax professionals have previously helped many taxpayers facing bank levies get control of their assets and get back on track.

    End IRS Garnishment
    Have Your Wages Been Garnished? Get FAST Help Today!

    Having a wage garnishment is a crippling experience. The IRS can seize up to 75% of a taxpayers income, and sometimes this comes without any warning. Mostly, however, there are notices sent in the mail warning of this imminent danger.

    The first demand letter is usually followed by three computer-generated notices as a reminder of the taxpayers tax debt and tax year for which it is due. This includes the amount due along with penalties and interest. Usually, four notices, or reminders, will be sent out: a CP-501, CP-502, CP-503 and CP-504. If the taxpayer does not respond to the final CP notice (CP-504) which states the IRS’s intention to levy, it will be followed by a more serious notice.

    The IRS will then issue a CP-NFTL. The NFTL, or notice of federal tax lien, allows the IRS to become the highest priority creditor attached to your property in a process of collection.  However, this is different from a levy. A levy is the actual seizing of assets, whereas a lien is simply a device used by the IRS to protect their interests.

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    If, after sending these notices through certified mail, the IRS is still unable to collect on the debt, they are allowed to take up to 75% of a taxpayer’s earnings in order to settle an outstanding tax debt. This usually first comes in the form of a wage garnishment, and then by way of bank levy.

    If you’ve received several notice from that IRS and have failed to respond to warnings with the intent to levy assets, or if the IRS has already begun wage garnishment or seizure of bank accounts or other funds, it’s still not too late to ask for help!

    Stop IRS Wage Garnishment

    Everyday, our firm helps connect hard-working Americans with top tax attorneys and relief professionals to stop IRS wage garnishments. This means working the wage garnishment laws to your benefit and finally get back what you honestly earned regardless of what you’ve done in the past. We are committed to ending the embarrassing tactics that the IRS uses to inform employers about your private financial matters.

    After your initial interview, you’ll be assigned a personal account manager to work with you one-on-one while a small team of wage garnishment attorneys and wage garnishment accountants with years of tax law and previous IRS experience between them carefully review your account. We’ll find the best strategy to resolve your tax liability. Our priority is to lift levies and stop wage garnishment and, ultimately, protect you from further bullying by IRS.

    Stop IRS Notices
    Get these harassing letters and notices stopped FAST!

    Have your received a notice from the IRS? Are you now getting additional reminders pertaining to your overdue tax liability? Want to avoid the embarrassment of these notices showing up at your office or home? Before negotiating with the IRS, call us first! The tax professionals and tax attorneys associated with our firm can help you stop threatening notices so you can start taking control of your future.

    Put an end to threatening IRS Demand Letters which provide an assessment of your tax debt, including any penalties and interest! Stop excessive Computer generated notices from IRS or IRS CP letters from showing up at your home! End those IRS reminder letters, including CP-501, CP-502, CP-503 and CP-504 from showing up at work!

    Our associates protect your integrity in the wake of an IRS CP-NFTL/IRS NFTL, or notice of federal tax levy or tax lien which threatens to seize a taxpayer’s bank accounts, property, insurance benefits, IRAs, SSI, pension plans, alimony and/or paid child support.

    Stop Delivery of IRS Notices

    Our associates are trusted industry-leaders on IRS matters because of their history of discretion when working with spouses and employers alike. We take your privacy seriously. Doing so gives you the control to manage your own financial concerns in confidence.

    How do I stop IRS notices from showing up at home?

    Most taxpayers think any news from the IRS is bad news. Notices of underpayment and tax levies are dreaded by many as being among the worst of these notices. But some IRS notices are less serious than others, and even the worst of these can be taken advantage of to your benefit.

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    Before you contact the IRS, before you respond, before you address the envelope: get the knowledge you need to empower the best decision by first contacting us. Our team will respond with strategies that the IRS just can’t discuss because they’re protecting their own assets, not yours!

    Lift IRS Lien
    Get Your Tax Lien Lifted Quickly and Effectively!

    Having a tax lien is a serious problem. It can affect your credit and your standing in the workplace should the tax lien become known. It can also be quite a burden should you be looking to sell your home, as the IRS will be first in line for payment from any proceeds on the sale. Managing the damage of a tax lien is something the tax attorneys, tax professionals and associates working with our firm take very seriously.

    The CP 504 notice, or Urgent Notice, We Intent to Levy on Certain Assets, is the last in a series of CP notices informing the taxpayer of their existing tax liability. Before this, the IRS will have sent out: a CP-501, CP-502, CP-503 and a CP-504.

    You typically have ten days to respond before the IRS puts a levy on your bank accounts or other assets. Your employer may be able to hold your funds for twenty days before the IRS gets to them, so call us now to sort it out immediately!

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    Managing Your Tax Lien

    A personal account manager is assigned to you during this management process to guide you through and explain necessary information related to your account and tax lien, while steering you clear of the exhaustive details. If you need to lift the lien to sell your property, we can work to create a lien subordination, which is an incredibly useful legal tool to do this.

    Meanwhile, your defense is being built on extensive research of your return and the items to be audited including any supporting documentation that supports our defense. Once the lien has been resolved, your assigned team will then work to remove it from any credit reporting agencies.

    The tax attorneys and tax professionals on your team will aggressively defend your interest and work to release the lien has been representing taxpayers with outstanding IRS liens for many years. Even in instances where clients had to pay, they”ve been able to negotiate a reasonable settlement.

    Don’t let fear ruin your best defense. Let us get you through this.

    Offer in Compromise
    You Can Save BIG With A Qualified OIC!

    One of the most popular tax relief programs advertised today is the Offer in Compromise (OIC). The Offer of Compromise allows a taxpayer with a tax liability, and/or who is in danger of a lien or levy on accounts, to substantially reduce the debt for less than total amount owed. OIC programs, until recently, could be settled in four or five years. Now they can generally be done in about 24 months or less.

    Recent actions by Congress were taken in order to close outstanding and costly tax debt investigations. Since May of 2012, the IRS has made efforts to dramatically liberalize its Offer in Compromise program.

    Legislation removes some perceived obstruction placed by the IRS before the taxpayer, in general, by loosening the eligibility requirements, specifically by:

    • Revising the calculation for the taxpayer’s future income
    • Allowing taxpayers to repay their student loans
    • Allowing taxpayers to pay state and local delinquent taxes
    • Expanding the Allowable Living Expense allowance category and amount

    Restrictions to Offer in Compromise Eligibility

    Not all taxpayers with outstanding debt are eligible. In order to qualify for the Offer in Compromise program, a taxpayer must have a tax professional or tax attorney submit a draft letter as well as a substantial offer on your behalf.

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    If you’ve considered representing yourself, you might want to re-consider. An OIC is generally not accepted if the IRS believes the liability can be paid in full as a lump sum or a through a payment agreement. This is determined by your reasonable collection potential.

    Taxpayers who choose to file an Offer in Compromise on their own behalf, may find themselves paying more in penalties and interest as a result. This is because the IRS only accepts a portion of the requests it receives; it is often the unprofessional submissions which are disqualified. What’s worse, the IRS may suspect that the taxpayer who has ignored previous notices is stalling rather than taking responsibility. If this is determined, the IRS will continue with their efforts to levy bank accounts and wages in order to collect on the debt.

    IRS Tax Settlement Programs for non-qualifying

    Other options for those not meeting OIC IRS settlement guidelines who still need IRS tax debt settlement help should consider other IRS tax settlement programs. Additional programs include IRS penalty abatement, which removes penalties from accrued liability, IRS partial payment plans, and requesting for collections to be placed on a permanent hold, or CNC status.

    Getting a qualified offer in compromise approved is a timely and exhaustive process, and is one that requires professional handling. Stack the odds on our side and contact us today.

    State Tax Debt
    State Tax Collection Efforts Are MORE Aggressive Than The IRS!

    State tax comptrollers may be even more aggressive than IRS revenue officers. This is because the state relies, to a much larger degree, on year-over-year tax payments to generate revenue. State collection agencies have been known to levy wages, empty bank accounts and shut down businesses, not as a last resort but as a primary tactic in order to settle an outstanding state tax debt. State collection agencies have also become more aggressive since the economic downturn, and this opportunistic strategy has stuck despite recovery.

    Similar to the IRS, all state tax boards must offer repayment plans where appropriate and negotiate wherever possible.

    Most states provide an Offer of Compromise and reduced payment options. However, some states may waive penalties but not interest, and vice versa. We encourage you to contact our offices to get the information you need about your specific liability in your state of residence as opposed to contacting a state comptroller and being subject to abusive collection tactics.

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    An Enrolled Agent, Tax Attotney or CPA must be elected to represent you before a state tax board. Tax Attorney Now’s associates can advise you of your rights and represent you during state tax debt collection proceedings. Both businesses and individual taxpayers should refuse to become a victim to aggressive tactics and can, with the help of a certified tax team.

    • Reduce penalties
    • Reduce interest
    • Mediate state tax debt

    State Tax Debt Attorney

    Electing a Tax Attorney to represent you when facing a state tax debt will not only save you time, but bring you a sense of freedom. Before we can help, you must help yourself and contact a representative to get the best defense. Such matters must and should be settled by professionals.

    A personal account manager is assigned to you during this process to guide you through and explain necessary information related to your account, while steering you clear of the exhaustive details. Meanwhile, your defense is being built on extensive research of your tax returns and master tax file with the IRS, and the items to be audited including any supporting documentation that supports our defense.

    Our associates and tax attorneys have been representing taxpayers with outstanding state tax debt for many years. Even in instances where clients had to pay, settlements have been mediated quickly and reasonably.

    IRS Penalties and Interest
    The IRS Charges More Than High Interest Credit Cards!

    April 15th is tax day and, as most taxpayers know, it is also the deadline for paying any tax owed to the IRS. If you do not pay your taxes when filing your individual income tax return, and if money is owed, you will be sent a Demand Letter by the IRS. The Demand Letter is your first notice and is an assessment by the IRS of your tax debt. At this time, penalties and interest on your outstanding debt will begin to accrue until the date of payment. Reminder notices will continue to be sent including the amount due along with penalties and interest. Usually, five notices, or reminders, will be sent out before the IRS begins taking measures to levy or garnish assets.

    According to the IRS, penalties and interest rates, if not otherwise established in an alternative payment plan, are figured as follows:

    • A late penalty: Interest at a quarterly determined federal short-term rate plus 3% until paid in full. An additional .5% per month, increasing to 1% after issuance of IRS NFTL, at a maximum of 25%

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    That means you could be paying up to 5% every month on top of your tax debt. Interest will continue to climb overtime and you could be responsible for up to 25% until the tax debt is settled. Rates like these exceed interest on most major credit cards and personal loans, and can be damaging to your credit, assets and reputation.

    Penalty and Interest Abatement

    An effective release of penalties and associated interest can have a tremendous impact on the amount of tax debt finally owed. Sometimes the amount owed can triple in size JUST from these additional penalties. By leveraging your rights and hiring the best representation available, you stack the odds for a favorable penalty abatement in your favor.

    The better your representative understands your circumstances, the better they can use these conditions to argue for abatement and reduce the amount owed. Even in instances where clients had to pay, our associate tax attorneys have been able to negotiate a reasonable settlement and mediate the overall liability.

    941 Business Tax
    Unpaid payroll taxes? We can help!

    Does your business owe payroll tax? Is the IRS coming after you using aggressive tactics and threats? Are you looking for an affordable way to buy time and lower the amount owed? If you answered yes, you should consider hiring a tax attorney specializing in payroll tax debt problems. The right representation can not only save you time and money, but can protect your clients and accounts from being contacted by the IRS to repay the obligation.

    Our tax relief professionals offer a free consultation in regard to your payroll tax debt absolutely free of charge. That’s because we know you’ll learn to trust the diligence of our network of accountants and attorneys who, every day, settle the most impossible tax debt issues.

    From consultation to settlement, your personal account manager will work with you personally through the process. Our priority is protecting your business interest and your financial privacy and getting you the lowest allowable amount owed for the incurred tax debt.

    Employee Business Payroll Withholding Tax

    The IRS requires that 941 Business Payroll Tax be paid by an employer on his or her employees at the end of every pay period and/or operating quarter. This includes federal income tax, social security and Medicare taxes and Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA).

    If these taxes are not paid, the IRS will make efforts, via computer processed (CP) notices or using one of their Revenue Officers (RO’s) to inform the business owner of their liability.

    If these notices go unobserved and are not paid, the IRS may take the next step: sending notices of intention to levy. Assets can be seized in order to settle a business debt can be closed to collect. This is more the rule than the exception because the IRS takes seriously failure to pay business payroll tax debt withholding tax because it is seen as stealing directly from the government.

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    When you elect from the network of professionals and associates of Tax Attorney Now for power of attorney, they will immediately begin working closely with your Revenue Officers at the IRS to successfully abate and/or arrange a settlement proposal that can seriously cut your tax debt. They do this by enforcing rights that are specific to your business in your industry.

    Business owners who try to tackle payroll tax debt themselves often find themselves worse for wear. This is because they submit an incomplete defense and are still responsible for their tax liability plus associated penalties and interest on that lost time. Your assigned associate may be able to request a reprieve against collections, buying time for the business to map out the most affordable repayment plan without suffocating operating costs, if that is your priority.

    Payroll tax debt issues are not ones to be resolved by the taxpayer. It should be understood that a manageable attorney fee will be much more reasonable than paying penalties and interest for a mismanaged defense.

    IRS Audit Defense
    Get TOUGH IRS Defense With Seasoned Tax Professionals!

    Every year, hundreds of taxpayers facing an audit, panic. They hide their notices out of sight. They call up the IRS and beg for absolution. They fear not just retribution from the IRS, but the embarrassment of getting their family, friends and employers involved. Over and over again, we see helpless taxpayers squander their chances for the best IRS audit defense out of fear. They give too much, or they share too little or, whether earnest or not, they provide total misinformation that only weakens their defense and increases the potential for penalties and interest owed.

    Don’t let fear ruin your IRS audit defense. Our partner Tax Attorneys and tax professionals have years of experience to put your defense on equal footing with that of the IRS.

    The entire process is one built on trust, while our associates minimize your contact with the IRS and at the same time keep you abreast of the defense strategy that we are building.

    And here’s how we go about the IRS audit process: Tax Attorney Now matches you with a team of Tax Attorneys, Tax Lawyers and/or tax experts in tax debt relief to negotiate with the IRS on your behalf in regard to your audit defense.

    Tough IRS Audit Defense

    A personal account manager is assigned to you during this process to guide you through and explain necessary information related to your account, while steering you clear of the exhaustive details. Meanwhile, your defense is being built on extensive research of your return and the items to be audited including any supporting documentation that supports our defense. Your team will carefully scrutinize the IRS allegations looking for errors in the IRS audit calculation tables. When they’ve prepared the best audit defense, they will then take on the IRS for you.

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    Even after audit judgment, your assigned attorney and tax professional will continue to work on finding feasible solutions for those few clients who face a settlement. The endgame is always to minimize your tax debt swiftly and accurately. Our associates have been representing taxpayers facing the audit for many years. Even in instances where clients had to pay, they’ve been able to mediate a reasonable outcome.

    Revenue Officers
    Don't Let Them Bully You! Fight Back TODAY!

    IRS Revenue officers are mean. They are aggressive. And sometimes, they are super friendly!? Yes, the IRS has realized that being nice gets people to let their guards down and tell them what they want to hear. Don’t fall victim to this ruse! The IRS is after one thing: to collect their tax debt at whatever means necessary. Protect your interests and fight off revenue officers by leveraging your legal right to a strong defense.

    After sending several computer generated notices in the mail, the IRS will take more aggressive measures to settle a taxpayer’s outstanding tax debt. An NFTL will be issued, followed by a lien against the taxpayer’s property in a process of perfection.

    In the process of perfection, the IRS becomes the highest priority creditor and may garnish wages or seize and/or levy assets. If additional attempts are made without response, a Revenue Officer (RO) may be appointed to the case to begin this process of seizure.

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    IRS Revenue Officers (RO’s) are often skilled in tax law, business law, investigative techniques and enforcement procedures and most have a bachelor’s degree in a related field. They are appointed to conduct research, interviews, investigations, analyze financial statements and are allowed by the IRS to contact third parties for information.

    A Revenue Officer (RO) may demand to see:

    • Financial information
    • Bank statements
    • Profit and loss statements
    • Balance sheets

    The goal is to obtain and analyze a taxpayer’s financial situation in order to determine their ability to pay. If fraud or neglect is detected, they may immediately seize assets. This includes garnishment of bank accounts and wages as well as seizure of real and personal property. RO’s will take anything in order satisfy delinquent taxes. They may even close businesses or directly contact accounts payable to demand remittance of payment.

    The IRS Revenue Officer may seem limitless in their right to collect on a tax debt. Indeed, the IRS has many methods available to them to legally collect assets. However, you can hire a tax attorney to avoid these aggressive tactics from invading your personal life and business affairs.

    Defend Against IRS Revenue Officers

    Not doing so may mean misinforming a Revenue Officer or incriminating yourself without even knowing it. RO’s are skilled in their ability to manipulate taxpayers while appearing absolutely harmless. By representing yourself you risk saying something damaging, which could add to the taxes, penalties and interest you owe or worse, it could put your assets in immediate jeopardy. More often than not, the RO’s know more about the taxpayer’s rights than the taxpayer does. This lopsided advantage to the RO puts you at a disadvantage without a Tax Attorney.

    At TaxAttorneyNow.com, a personal account manager is assigned to you during this process to guide you through and explain necessary information related to your account, while steering you clear of the exhaustive details. Meanwhile, your defense is being built on extensive research. Our associates can help find the best solution to these mounting penalties and interest. Their proven methods are based on years as experience, establishing reasonable cause for a failure to pay and leveraging your legal rights for a fair and just outcome.

    IRS Payment Plan
    Stop Penalites And Save BIG With An IRS Payment Plan!

    Failing to file an annual tax return is a federal crime punishable by civil penalties. It is not a crime, however, if you are unable to pay your taxes. Every year millions of US taxpayers find themselves with an unexpected tax liability. The IRS has created payment plans that can be paid in installments for this reason. Installment plans usually come with some penalties and interest, usually around 6%, so first consider making a comparison and borrowing in order to pay in full and making arrangements with a credit card or loan officer. If you are facing overwhelming debt from IRS penalties and interest or are at risk garnishment and levies please contact us to learn about additional options that are available to you.

    IRS Payment Plans (Installment Agreements)

    How your IRS Installment Agreement is structured depends on how much you owe. Those with an outstanding tax liability of less than $50,000, including outstanding penalties and interest, must complete IRS Form 9465 (Installment Agreement Request). This form determines your financial worth, based on property and assets, car payments, child support payments and other miscellaneous sources of income/debt obligations.

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    Those with an outstanding tax liability of more than $50,000, including outstanding penalties and interest, must complete IRS Form 433 (Installment Agreement Request) in addition to IRS Form 9465. This form determines your financial worth, based on lines of credit including access to credit cards, checking, online, mobile (e.g. PayPal) and savings accounts, Certificates of Deposit, Trusts, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), Keogh Plans, Simplified Employee Pensions, 401(k) Plans, Profit Sharing Plans, Mutual Funds, Stocks, Bonds and other investments real estate and other assets.

    It is important that you consult with a Tax Attorney in order to get an accurate and advantageous picture of your financial situation, especially when completing IRS Form 433.

    Payroll Tax Installment Agreement

    Small businesses with a payroll tax liability can apply for an In-Business Trust Fund Express installment agreement if the total amount owed is less than $25,000.

    Partial Pay Installment Agreement

    There are currently additional payment options available to taxpayers and their businesses with an outstanding tax liability that cannot pay in full. Again, these plans will not help you avoid penalties and interest. Qualifying taxpayers can elect The Partial Pay Installment Agreement to set up either a short-term payment extension or a monthly payment plan. The Installment Agreement allows additional time to pay the liability beyond the 120 day short-term extension with a reduced monthly interest penalty of .25% down from 5%. Those serving in the military or who are living in disaster areas may qualify for an installment agreement with zero-interest or zero-penalty.

    Currently Non-Collectible

    Accounts may be reported CNC for a variety of reasons, but are most commonly reported due to bankruptcy, inability to locate taxpayer or assets, expiration of assessment or collection period or because the liability would create an undue financial hardship. These types of IRS payment plans are incredibly difficult to qualify for, but if you do, many times the tax debt is completely forgiven. That’s why a seasoned tax attorney is so effective setting up this issue, as they have the experience to stack the odds for CNC in your favor!

    IRS Payment Plan Tax Attorney

    Electing a Tax Attorney to represent you when facing a state tax debt will not only save you time, but bring you a sense of freedom. Before we can help, you must help yourself and contact a representative to get the best defense. Such matters must and should be settled by professionals.

    A personal account manager is assigned to you during this process to guide you through and explain necessary information related to your account, while steering you clear of the exhaustive details. Meanwhile, your defense is being built on extensive research of your return and the items to be audited including any supporting documentation that supports our defense.

    Offshore Banking/FBAR
    Avoid Criminal Prosecution! Get Amnesty And Legal Representation!

    Do you have offshore bank accounts and business interests that have not been disclosed to the IRS? Are you facing civil penalties for non-compliance for failure to file a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts commonly known as an FBAR?

    Under the Disclosure Offshore Foreign Banking program (OVDP), enacted in 2012, TaxAttorneyNow.com has helped clients who fear retribution from the IRS save thousands on penalties and avoid prosecution by coming forward ahead of a probe or investigation. This program brings taxpayers that have used undisclosed foreign accounts and undisclosed foreign entities to avoid or evade tax into compliance with United States tax laws by coming forward.

    Rules for coming forward with an unreported offshore bank account are very clear: only an attorney can represent you! As this program is relatively new, and incredibly complex, it requires a deep understanding of the process to yield strong results and protect the taxpayer. With a strong defense, those with unreported foreign bank accounts can:

    • Avoid prosecution
    • Allowing taxpayers to repay their student loans
    • Limit exposure to civil penalties
    • Become compliant
    • Avoid disclosing your offshore financial institution
    • Resolve your case and avoid further examination
    • Apply at anytime

    Call 888-503-2388 Or Click Here

    Those wishing to comply may do so at anytime there is no deadline. However, the IRS could decide to end the three-year-old program entirely at any point, so it is important to act now and bring closure to the process. Applying also requires that you have elected an Attorney to represent you. Hiring a Tax Attorney helps avoid further probing, penalties and prosecution by the IRS. Our partners have helped bring clients in the OVDP back to compliance in order to meet all provisions and settle their tax liability.

    FATCA Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act

    The objective of FATCA is the reporting of foreign financial assets; withholding is the cost of not reporting. U.S. individual taxpayers must report information about certain foreign financial accounts and offshore assets on Form 8938 and attach it to their income tax return, if the total asset value exceeds the appropriate reporting threshold. To avoid being withheld upon, a foreign financial institution may register with the IRS, obtain a Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) and report certain information on U.S. accounts to the IRS.

    OVDP Attorneys

    Our tax partners and attorneys begin the declaration of offshore banking by collecting previous federal income tax returns covered by the OVDP disclosure. They will then amend these returns and report additional income, including the absent or amended FBAR. This immediately suspends liabilities and Title 26 penalties until the process is complete. This time allows your team to reach a settlement with the IRS. Good faith arrangements are then made with the IRS to pay in full any remaining tax, interest, and penalties before reaching a closing agreement.

    OVDI Attorneys

    As with the 2009 OVDP and 2011 OVDI, the 2012 OVDP brings taxpayers with undisclosed foreign accounts who have evaded tax liabilities in the past to come in compliance with United States tax laws. This program was offered as an incentive for those hoping to reduce their limited civil and financial penalties. It has also proved to be a great way to raise revenue for the IRS. According to the IRS, the 2012 OVDP has a higher penalty rate than the previous program but offers clear benefits to encourage taxpayers to disclose foreign accounts now rather than risk detection by the IRS and possible criminal prosecution.

    A penalty for failing to disclosing financial offshore transfers, gifts, trusts, interests, returns file the FBAR can be as high as the greater of $100,000 or 50 percent of the total balance of the foreign account per violation.

    Get Defended By An Attorney

    Offshore and foreign banking issues are becoming more and more complex as the IRS ramps up their efforts to collect this unreported income. By hiring a seasoned tax attorney with experience in these matters you better leverage your rights for a fair and just outcome, while avoiding criminal charges and sky-high penalties.

    High Dollar Unit
    Owe the IRS or State MORE than $1,000,000?

    TaxAttorneyNow.com reserves its High Dollar Unit for taxpayers and their businesses who have an outstanding tax liability of over $1,000,000. These cases tend to be more unique in scope and require a more aggressive strategy on our behalf.

    The High Dollar Unit staff consists of former IRS agents and managers who have received extensive training in tax law and have, between them, years of experience in personal tax law. This readily qualifies the staff of the High Dollar Unit when navigating the complex, technical, and legal issues related to your substantial IRS debt obligation.

    We understand well business owners with substantial debt obligations and the behaviors and circumstances of taxpayers whose businesses have debts this large. Because of this, our associates are well armed to tackle and defend these difficult issues.

    Call 888-503-2388 Or Click Here

    A personalized approach to a tax debt becomes necessary as the the IRS is especially aggressive with these High Dollar Unit cases. The IRS has many search and reporting tools available to them. They use these special financial investigation tools to turn up financial reports and to seek out signs of fraud or cover-up. They may even summon financial institutions and put your privacy at risk.

    The High Dollar Unit combats these abusive IRS tactics by expanding the legal options available to you. We will help you with:

    • Making an assessment of your debts and assets
    • Getting you current on filings
    • Protecting your estate and assets from state and IRS levies and garnishment
    • Demonstrating a strategy for debt settlement to the IRS
    • Creating all necessary reports for your Revenue Officer
    • Avoiding facing penalties related to tax fraud for those under investigation
    • Legal counsel in the event that you require representation

    IRS High Dollar Unit Attorney

    The specially trained staff of our High Dollar Unit can also provide you with necessary business structuring advice related to tax treatment. This includes clients who are currently engaged in international business. Our business hinges on protecting your privacy and is committed to 100% discretion in these matters. This is our specialty. We charge fair rates, especially with respect to the amount we save for clients who qualify for inclusion within our High Dollar Unit.

    Success Stories
    • These Taxpayers Saved $57,000!

      $60,000 IRS Assessment knocked down to $3K in Audit Tax Court

      Issue: If the IRS claims you owe substantial taxes that you know you don’t, they may make you attend a hearing in tax court to prove your case. One taxpayer from California found himself in such a position when the IRS assessed him for $60,000 in unpaid back taxes. The taxpayer contended that he owed next to nothing and contacted us. We found him representation that attended the tax court hearing on his behalf to prove that his business expenses should be accepted by the Audit Division of the Internal Revenue service.
      Challenge: The challenge for the legal team in going to court was to ensure that no collection action took place while they worked to resolve the client’s audit issues in tax court. Also, they wanted to prove that the client’s expenses were, in fact, legitimate.
      Goal: The audit department, legal counsel, and account managers worked together hard to prove that these expenses were, in fact, legitimate. They came up with a list of documents that they needed from the client for the tax years in question (invoices, bank statements, examination report, tax returns etc). When the client provided these items, his delegates were able to recreate the books for those tax years and back up the schedule C expense claims in order to prove this in tax court.
      Conclusion: The liability was knocked down from around $60,000 all the way down to approximately $3,000. The taxpayer was thrilled with this result!
    • $34,000 IRS Debt Wiped Out

      Joint taxpayers' IRS debt zeroed out With CNC status.

      Issue: Spring is a time for new beginnings. If you have excessive tax liability, now is a great time to get it resolved! These Arizona taxpayers decided this for themselves as they had an IRS and State tax liability totaling $34,224.90. If that wasn’t bad enough, the IRS had also slapped a wage levy on them both in an effort to retain the funds owed.
      Challenge: We connected the taxpayer with representation that knew it would be a challenge to remove the wage levy and establish a favorable resolution, but they were up for the challenge! They set a goal to ensure that the taxpayers did not get collected on while they attempted to resolve their tax issues with the IRS. Ultimately, delegates were able to establish that the taxpayers had a negative disposable income.
      Goal: With this established, representation removed the wage garnishment status on the IRS account as well as placed the taxpayers on a currently non-collectable status. The state of Arizona did not offer any type of hardship program so delegates worked with the state to establish an affordable payment plan.
      Conclusion: Representation was able to restructure their financials, changing their application from a positive disposable to a negative disposable. This was instrumental in the positive outcome. The state liability was addressed with an installment agreement, which benefited the taxpayers as well. All in all, not a bad way for them to start their spring cleaning!
    • IRS Garnishment Stopped Fast!

      Wage Garnishment successfully released in 24 hours.

      Issue: The taxpayer had a wage garnishment with a Revenue Officer (RO) assigned to the case. The RO assigned to the case had the case for a while with the taxpayer being non-responsive. The taxpayer had both personal liabilities and business liabilities. The total balance due on the account was a little over $26,000.
      Challenge: The taxpayer had an active wage garnishment, which needed to be released immediately. The taxpayer financials showed disposable income of approximately $1,100 each month. If the financials were presented to the IRS, the RO would require the taxpayer to make a payment of $1,100 per month. The RO was demanding financials and threatening to assess the business liabilities as personal liabilities called Trust Fund Recovery Penalty (TFRPS), or civil penalties.
      Goal: Representation needed to remove the wage garnishment immediately and put the taxpayer on a payment plan without presenting financials. They also needed to prevent the business liabilities to assess as TFRPS. Delegates contacted the RO and asked for immediate removal of the wage garnishment by offering two payment plans for the personal and the business liabilities. They then negotiated with the RO without presenting financials, and successfully got the wage garnishment removed, and also put the taxpayer on a payment plan of $435.00 per month. The RO also agreed not to assess the taxpayer personally for TFRPS.
      Conclusion: The taxpayer is on a successful payment plan for $410.00 per month with an immediate release of the garnishment.
    Here’s what they say about us
    Having satisfied clients is the ultimate goal, and a few happy folks decided to drop a note or two about their assigned attorney. The results speak for themselves.
    • They Made Our Year

      We would like to say that we are 100% impressed with our tax attorney…and then some! Our case was mostly represented by [Attorney name] and all the associates were friendly and professional. We had no stress , they took care of all (not some) of our IRS issues. We were referred by a close friend and will refer to our close family, friends and other associates. They simply understood our financial hardship and showed compassion to our case! We are too happy to have been represented by such a great establishment.

      Arnold T, Home Owner
    • Thoughtful, Caring!

      They did an AMAZING job for me and my family. I read something about the IRS being more lenient the last couple of years but it sure didn’t seem that way, they kept sending me notices to my employer and finally they levied my paycheck and took over 80%. This was the fourth company I called that I felt knew what they were talking about and not just trying to quick-sell me something. They got all our tax returns filed and even got a nice chunk of a refund applied to the tax debt (went from 23k to about 7k). So thanks guys, you made my holidays that much brighter this year!

      Tricia D, Property Consultant
    • They Deserve 10 Stars

      What do you say about a company that does everything it said it would, and more? I am honestly just so grateful I cannot explain. One year I owed twenty thousand, the other three thousand, another forty thousand, I literally had to stop counting it was a disaster. My accountant retired and I never hired anyone else to do my returns, but the main part of the problem was ME. I totally procrastinated, I take full responsibility for being inept at this stuff. If you’re even considering hiring a company, don’t think anymore. Hire them. Because they rock!

      Benicio F, Industrial Supplier
    • Wow, they really care!

      I have been overwhelmed at the professional and very caring staff that are helping me with my IRS situation. It is so frightening when you are unemployed with the threat of losing all the money you have on hand. These people really know how to handle these situations in a way that is best for each of their clients. I am very blessed to have chosen these people to handle this problem for me with both the IRS and state tax. I can’t tell you what a burden was lifted when the IRS levy was handled. I would recommend them to anyone who has this kind of problem

      Andrey Rodriguez, Real Estate Agent
    • Garnishment stopped, A+!

      From the beginning, the whole team offered us a measure of peace, without giving false hopes. Our Account Manager assured us they are very good at what they do. We had no choice but to believe him. We worked very hard and we spent 2 days faxing and calling back and forth. They produced a miracle and they met my 2 and a half day deadline before my husband’s paycheck would have been cut by 90%. They did what they say they can do! And they treated me like a human being, not just a voice at the other end of the phone. Thank you for being there when I needed you!

      Pat Mendez, Contractor
    • Service Service Service!

      Every day I worried about the back taxes I owed IRS, then I decided to call. They gave me assurances with regular contact, constant updates, and although we determined I had a favorable case, they had no guarantee to what I would save. In the end, I received everything they said. My representative called regular to keep me updated, always explained everything that was happening, would happen, and what I needed to do. She was very informative, helpful, and reassuring. I greatly appreciate all that they have done.

      Shirley Gonzalez, College Dean
    Frequently Asked Questions
    See below for some answers to some of our most frequent questions, or you may ask a question about any tax relief issue right now by clicking HERE.
    • 1

      How long does it take to resolve my tax issue with the IRS?

      • Every taxpayer that is represented is different. In some instances, a bank levy or wage garnishment can be stopped within 2-7 days, and in other cases such as submitting an Offer in Compromise or negotiatiing a settlement, it can take up to 30-180 days to complete. What is important to understand is that once you become represented, you are generally protected from collections and do not have to communicate with the IRS or State tax agencies directly. Your case and tax issue will be handled from start to finish.

    • 2

      Can you stop a wage garnishment or bank levy from the IRS?

      • The IRS can garnish up to 75% of your wages when you owe taxes, and they can sezie your bank accounts without notice. The best way to prevent this is to seek representation and hire a tax professional or tax attorney. Our collection of tax professionals has years of experience in preventing wage garnishments and negotiating a reduced amount for your tax debt, and can stop a wage garnishment or bank levy in as little as 2 days.

    • 3

      Can my tax debt be reduced?

      • There are many different tax relief programs available to taxpayers by the IRS and State agencies. Your assigned Tax Attorney and Enrolled Agent will study your tax situation and come up with the best possible relief program that you qualify for. It is quite common to have your tax debt reduced, but more importantly, the goal is to place your case in a better position than where it was previously to prevent your situation from getting any worse.

    • 4

      I owe Millions. Can you represent me?

      • We are one of the few choices for finding representation that specialize in tax liabilities this high. Our professional network of attorneys has many years of experience in negotiating with this special ‘high Dollar Unit’ division of the IRS, and understand how to enforce every possible tax relief code that is available to the taxpayer who is suffering from a massive liability in the millions of dollars.

    Let’s Get Started!
    Having a team of dedicated tax professionals on your side is a powerful position to be in when managing a tax matter with the IRS, and we look forward to helping to put you in a winning position to succeed.
    • Get A 100% Free Evaluation (No Risk or Obligation)
    • Have an Expert Tax Attorney on your side
    • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
    • BBB A+ Rated and 5 Star Trustlink Revuews
    • Fair And Reasonable Price Assurance
    • Let our tough negotiators do the talking for you
    • Reduce your payments, save money, and protect your asets
    Speak to a Tax Professional right away!